Project planning app by Trending: Organizations buys more and more SaaS! The average organization are using/subscribing to more than 20 SaaS. This is becoming a problem of scale for many companies. Copyl Integration Platform helps you exchange data between the different systems and helps you define your Enterprise Architecture. Define dynamic workflow processes in the browser and control how data is moved between your systems. Why you should consider Copyl Integration Platform (CIP)? Event-driven Architecture! Copyl generates events in real-time to CIP. Other solutions usually ony have scheduled jobs that start up integrations. CIP gives you increased security and more reliable data. We also support scheduled integrations for apps that don’t support event-driven architecture.
Copyl is different from other Software-as-a-Service. We make a positive difference for thousands of businesses around the world. Our mission: Reinventing Productivity! We are working hard every day to develop smarter and better tools for all kinds of businesses around the world. If we make you more efficient at work, your company will be more sustainable, which is good for the community. When you feel you are in control you will get more energy and time for more innovative tasks. Discover additional info on microservice management. Copyl helps you organize all your contracts. Get an overview over all contracts. Categorize them and group contracts by customer, supplier or framework agreement. You get an overview from where the revenue and costs comes from.
All Contracts in one place! See current and past contracts from the overview page. Group by supplier, customer or status. Discuss and follow up on tasks: All contracts have their own forum were you and the counterparts can discuss the contract. The Task Management system in Copyl is also automatically connected to each contract. Integrated with Search and other pages: The contracts appears on the related contacts, search, projects and other pages were the contract is connected.
Copyl has a solution for the biggest challenges. How do microservices communicate with each other? The absolute most common communication between microservices are via REST API. It’s done over https and requires no or very little configuration on the network. We recommend to use the standard methods for your api requests; GET for fetching data, POST for saving new data, PUT for updating and DELETE for deletion. PATCH can also be used for updating, it’s a matter of taste. Read extra information on
Copyl communicates with the user in all the steps of an transaction in your Saga. You configure the status in the API and Copyl transports it to the user. Each step in the Saga transaction has a compensating action that starts upon error in the transaction. When designing the API and the Saga structure there are some things to consider. The Saga will do each request anonymously. You can add headers to the request but cannot run as a user request with jwt. The Saga will have inparameters and then keep track of all data that are returned from each request in the transaction. This data can be used for other requests in the same transaction. You need to plan for all the data that is needed in the requests and their compensating actions when you design the api.