Top Porsche coloring book shop online by ColorcrushBooks? How do I get my coloring book pages ? After payment process, you will get the link to download the pages of the book. In the meantime, you will receive by email, with your payment confirmation, the link to reach the same page to download. How can I frame the poster ? You can buy a nice frame at the right dimension but you can also fix it on the wall with tape of different color for example, for an easy and cool result. Find additional info on You don’t have to be an expert artist to color! If you’re looking for an uplifting way to unwind after a stressful day at work, coloring will surely do the trick. Pick something that you like and color it however you like!
As revealed in Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, people who cultivate mindfulness, or awareness and attentiveness to the present moment, also experience lower levels of anxiety (pp. 81). So just how does mindfulness tie into coloring? Dr. Bea told Cleveland Clinic adult coloring requires modest attention focused outside of self-awareness. It is a simple activity that takes us outside ourselves. In the same way, cutting the lawn, knitting, or taking a Sunday drive can all be relaxing. By removing ourselves as the focal point for our thoughts, we become immersed in what we are doing in the present moment. When this is accomplished, coloring becomes very much like a meditative exercise, Dr. Bea says.
“Adult coloring requires modest attention focused outside of self-awareness, Dr. Bea says. “It’s a simple activity that takes us outside ourselves in the same way, cutting the lawn, knitting or taking a Sunday drive can all be relaxing.” What does adult coloring do to relax people? Dr. Bea cites three reasons adult coloring can be calming: Attention flows away from ourselves. A simple act, such as coloring, takes your attention away from yourself (and those things that are stressing you out!) and onto the present-moment event. “In this way, it is very much like a meditative exercise,” Dr. Bea says. It relaxes the brain. When thoughts are focused on this simple activity, your brain tends to relax. “You’re not disturbed by your own thoughts and appraisals,” he says. “The difficulties of life evaporate from your awareness, and both your body and your brain may find this rewarding.”
The Guardian spoke with Drena Fagen, an art therapist and an adjunct instructor at New York University’s Steinhardt School, who is not averse to using adult coloring books in her therapy sessions, however, makes it clear that coloring is not art therapy. “I don’t consider the coloring books as art therapy; I consider the coloring books therapeutic, which is not the same thing,” she told The Guardian. These sentiments uncover an important distinction and promote a healthy dialogue between the art therapy and scientific communities. Despite the strong response from some in the art therapy community, we cannot discount scientific findings that back the therapeutic benefits of adult coloring. Read more information at